No one-size-fits-all solution

Each company has its own uniqueness, know-how and history. Miriade is your local technological partner, with a holistic approach. We take your measurements to create unique, honest and practical designs capable of leading your company towards YOUR future.

Who chooses us every day

Our Trusted Partners

Forget the old way of IT

Old methods are no longer effective, they are not able to support the needs of digital transformation, they are too slow and complicated. A company that wants to grow must be faster!

Deal with repetitive tasks and low-value activities

Build an agile data & analytics foundation

Use innovation and AI technologies to innovate processes and automate repetitive task. An agile data & analytics foundation enable a more collaborative approachto data management and data pipelines
Go Somewhere

Miriade perfect fit addicted.

Miriade is not bound to a single vendor, we choose the right technology based on your needs. We manage projects end to end from the architectural design to its evolution, through the entire life cycle of the data, in an agile way.


Clienti tra il fashion, il manufacturing e  il retail


Account di posta gestiti

da soli 85 esperti


Certificazioni tecniche annuali

con più di 25 partner tecnologici

Go Somewhere

How ro achieve the perfect fit?

Not settling for pre-established solutions, using AI, automation and cloud to drive business value from data.

No customer should adapt to platforms, it is our duty to create solutions that fit his needs.
We involve customers in the innovation and development process.
We are not vertical because we aim to a complete and constantly updated skill set.
We solve problems by creating something unique.
We know when to say no.
Our way of working is honest and practical, we want solid and feasible solutions developed quickly step by step.
4 | No lock-in
We do not lock-in our costumers.
By providing the right training throughout the process we support them in the adoption of the solution. If needed we provide
managed services.

Why choose Miriade?

Open to continuous experimentation. We challenge the limits of technology to solve seemingly impossible problems.
We look at new technologies and new approaches, integrating different backgrounds to reach unique solutions built on your needs.
Design thinking, DevOps and Agile allow us to understand what is really needed, and bring projects to the ground in the shortest possible time.
Miriade non è la solita azienda

Anche le persone sono uniche, per questo in Miriade valorizziamo l'autonomia e l'iniziativa personale.

Perché innovare vuol dire ascoltare anche la più piccola idea.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) con AWS, Terraform e Ansible
Jul 15, 2024

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) si riferisce alla pratica di gestire e automatizzare l'infrastruttura IT, utilizzando codice anziché interventi manuali. Con IaC, le risorse infrastrutturali come server, reti e database vengono definite e gestite tramite codice, consentendo un provisioning rapido, consistente e ripetibile dell'infrastruttura.

Mar 05, 2022

Con la data center automation i professionisti dell’IT possono automatizzare diversi processi e flussi, concentrando tempo e risorse preziose su attività più importanti, attività core per il business aziendale, con notevole riduzione del carico di lavoro.

Che cos'è un Data Catalog?
Feb 19, 2024

Cos'è un Data Catalog? Come evitare di perdere il controllo sul flusso dei dati? Ecco i due asset per una moderna Data Strategy: Data Observability e Data Catalog



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